A Whole Lot of Missionary Mondays

I guess I suck at blogging during the summer. Here is a bunch of Mitchell's emails, from the last time until now.  He is doing great!!

July 2, 2018

Fill in subject line with something that is sort of related to what happened this week


Honestly I am a little sad. Transfers are this week and well... Elder Sanguineti is leaving to Supolpa and I am staying. Elder Medel is going home. The Trio is being broken up and well. That is just a life though. Or really the mission. I honestly have just absolutely loved the time that I have spent with them. If I could write down every thing that I have learned well I guess I would have written it all down. But really, I just know that the Lord put them with me for many reasons and He sent them away for many more. I just am grateful to have had the opportunity to be with them.

FUN STUFF: We got literally soaked to the bone in the rain the other day. It was pouring sooooo hard and we had to bike through all of it. And to make it just a tiny bit worse we were chased by a dog. And of course it was a pitbull. SO you already know that we go hard here in the OKC. Also something so funny is that I beat Elder Sanguineti in Chess. He is super good at chess and we have been playing every day and I finally won. So ha take that Elder Sanguineti. Also Elder Medel is so kind, he gave me a tie of his that I absolutely love and honestly that meant a lot to me. I really do have the best companions ever.

SOMETHING ABOUT THE WORK: We literally have like 15 people who are all ready to be baptized but they just won't go to church like... come on I am trying to get some people dipped like I don't have time for you to be "busy". But in all seriousness it just means that I have the opportunity of explaining why church is so important :D. There is never a down side. Or at least that is what you should tell yourself.

Spiritual Thought: We are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. That is our DIVINE nature. THAT is who we are. And really this life is just remembering that always. And the really cool part is that our Father in Heaven will seriously do everything he can to help us along the way.

I love all of y'all and I will be writing next week

Elder Evans

P.S. still no pictures. its a real struggle

July 9, 2018
Transfer 3... wut

Um yeah. Its transfer No. 3, so you know what that means. I got a new companion! His name is Elder James and well... I don't... know... How I keep getting blessed with such amazing comps! I really am being serious, he is a funny and cool guy. He's super active, despises video games (okay so maybe thats one of the things that is a little sad😂) and he tells stupid jokes all day. We are basically best friends at this point. He also loves Lacrosse. Idk its just awesome to see that the Lord puts who we NEED and not who we WANT. Isn't that the most annoying truth at times? I can certainly tell all of y'all that yes it is. But since it is true we truly can rely on the Lord to do what is best for us.

FUN STUFF: So Elder James and I went to a Quinceñera and good laws Latinos. We showed up and it was like a wedding... for a 15 year old... and there was a DJ, a Mariachi Band and just the Whole branch. So we stayed for a bit, ate some food, met all the Members becuase Elder James was new to the branch and then we went to an investigators house and dug holes and planted trees. It was a super fun day. And then the next day we woke up at 5:40 to help him finish the trees. And honestly I just love helping people so much. That is one thing that this mission is teaching me, is that if YOU desire to change yourself, help others change them. There is no me first when it comes to salvation.

Something about the work: We had an impromptu lesson with an investigator named Sylvia Rodriguez and it was POWERFUL. She had lost her son when he was 6 weeks old, her son has been in and out of jail, her current husband is an alcoholic, her past husband of 20 years died of cancer and she told ALL of this to us. I could feel the pain that she had felt and when Elder James and I shared how she would have the opportunity to raise her kid, the spirit was PALPABLE. Easily it was the strongest I have felt the spirit in the mission. I know that this work is really the Work of the Lord.

Spiritual Thought: I am reminded of the story of Eustace from the Chronicles of Narnia. Basically long story short Eustace is turned into a dragon for having thoughts of a dragon, which are selfish in nature, and he is sad that he is unable to be with his friends because well he's a dragon. Asland, the Lion who represents the savior, says that there is a way for him to be clean. He must undress and bath in a pond. Eustace begins to tear off the layers of his dragon skin until it is too painful to go any more, all the while Asland asks Eustace to remove more. Because he hadn't taken it all off yet. Finally Asland asks Eustace if he can help, Eustace say yes, and Asland takes his claw, rips open his chest, and pulls out a scared little boy. He bathes him in the pond and puts on him a white robe.

We all have dragon skin on us. We all are not pure enough to "bathe". But the Savior is the only one who can get to the innocent child in all of us and HE is the only one who can truly change us. Eustace couldn't keep going because it got to painful, and believe me. We cannot truly change without Christ.

I love you all tons.

Elder Evans

July 16, 2018



SO, yeah I have a lot of energy right now and I am determined to make this email the 2ND best email I have ever sent, because the 1ST best is yet to come >:) . So you are probably wondering about the title... and yes. We had 3 people at church and I couldn't be happier. We are seeing progress in the people we are teaching and just wow. The Spirit of the Lord changes people. I have seen it change me, friends, family, and the people we have right here in the good ol OKC. Also I tased myself with a taser and that was the scariest thing that I have ever done. Goodness I thought I was going to die. Also Elder James and I do this new thing where I go in for a hug and then he goes in for a wrestle and then I tap out. Its pretty fun. 

FUN STUFF: Um tasers, wrestling, ummm... Oh yeah. We cleaned the APT like deeeeeeeeeeeep. I am pretty sure that I found a new species of dust and grime and um yeah that is really all that is on my mind right now. Also I had the opportunity to translate in church for all the english speakers and if you every want to see how much you can depend on the lord then try translating a language that you have only been speaking for 5 months max. its crazy. And last but not least I got a small disco ball for the car. Yep it was a very good investment.

THE WORK!!! We have this investigator named Simon and this guy is freaking smart. And he showed up to church yesterday so that was really awesome to see. He at first was super stubborn and didn't think there was more truth and now he is really progressing. Its just awesome to see how the Spirit works on people.

Spiritual thought: We are all soooooo prideful, and I say we because everyone is. And the key is that we must realize like moses did that we are NOTHING but with the Lord we can do ALL. Isn't that interesting? Our efforts are only meaningful if they are coupled with the will of the Lord... not what we want. So beware of pride.

Elder Evans
PS. Pictures are for my mom to do and upload sooooooooooo.... not my fault

July 23, 2008
Quickest Week in the West

Whats up?

Well let me tell you what has been going on here in the ol Oklahoma City. Basically same ol same ol. You got your homeless people, your drug addicts, your baptists, your Christians, your pretending to be Christian, and your crazy folk. Its basically the promised land. The things that I am learning I honestly wouldn't trade for the world. Isn't that crazy? I am somewhere where I never thought I would be but, I am learning things that I would never learn anywhere else. And one of the things I have learned in this week specifically is one of my character weaknesses. And of course I won't tell y'all what it is but I will tell you this. I would have never found it if it weren't for Ether 12:27

 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

So how about that? I think that will be the Spiritual thought of this email but I might bring another one. Lets find out!

FUN STUFF: We are going to go rock climbing today. I would normally share that next week but hey thats just way too exciting. And um yeah we worked really hard this week and learned alot.

THE WORK: We had 4 people at church and it is a family that I had met about 3 months ago. It was awesome to see them at church and they are moving along so well. It truly is so cool to see that someone who didn't think that there was more than the bible now knows that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It just confirms my testimony every time.

Spiritual thought: Gotcha! You thought that I would only drop some Elder Evans wisdom on ya! SIKE!!!!

Okay serious now

On the topic of grace. Grace is misunderstood at times. People think that grace is like an extra fuel tank or an extra rocket booster, that we have to spend all of our energy and efforts and THEN we get the grace of Christ. But that isn't true. Grace is what propels us always. When we ask for the help to overcome a trial that strength that Christ gives us is there from the moment we ask. He strengthens us always, just not in the ways we want.

Welp thats all for this week. And well... Idk read your scriptures or something

Elder Evans

July 30, 2018

Things and stuff and Spiritual stuff and things

So you read the title and know I know you are just super PUMPED to hear and read what is in this addition of THE ADVENTURES OF ELDER EVANS!!!!!! (Protected by Copyright)

SO! I mean really if I think about it, this week was kinda interesting. It definfinetly was more for personal growth than it was having fun times and laughs and really, thats okay with me. But you already know I went back to Clinton. It was just for a day so nothing super crazy happened... Except my bike broke on bike week.......

FUN STUFF!!!!!!!!: I really cant think of any right now... Oh we got bashed by a girl from the Israelite Church of God or the Black Jesus People. It was like talking to a wall.. that insisted that Jesus was black, and that because of that everything he did meant something else... I don't get people sometimes. But we totally just side stepped her and just kept doing what we are doing, which is helping people have a better relationship with Christ. ( Mic drop )

STUFF IN THE WORK: People have been coming to church. We have this one family who are all super addicted to video games and lessons with them are super hard but magically when we turn off the tv, they feel the spirit. It's so weird that like video games distract from the spirit. I would have never guessed it.

Spiritual Thought: I have been studying a lot about submitting our will to the Lord and really it boils down to one truth. When we put the Lord first in our lives, He blesses us. Simple as that. I think it is a beautiful truth that most of us forget very often. 

Well I will see y'all next week!!
Elder Evans

August 6, 2018
And we are already saying good bye


Oh really?

Thats pretty cool.

So let me tell you what has been happening here in Oklahoma.

This week has been pretty crazy. We had interviews with president, I got megged by a dead mouse (if you don't know what being megged is then... Urban dictionary it or something, its when you kick something between a persons legs), and I got my bike back! (it was broken for a little bit) The weeks just blend together and so it really is hard to remember all that goes on and you all ready know that I am the absoulute worst when it comes to keeping a good clear journal. Its like reading stream of consciousness, its not very helpful... If I am being honest with all of y'all I have been putting a ton of focus into the ARP (Addiction Recovery Program) I am currently on step 4. And nothing makes you feel like garbage like going over everything you have done wrong in your life. But I am learning from who I was and applying it into who I need to be.

FUN STUFF: Um, I put my dinosaurs on some tech decks, they look pretty sick I might send some pictures

About the work: We have a family who is praying about baptism! They have been coming to church, they know the BOM is true and now they are on the baptism! I just love seeing how far that they have come. I am super happy to be the person who helps them in the Gospel

Spiritual Thought: I just want to touch just a little bit on what it means to be patient. We often confuse patience with long suffering. While it certainly is a part of it, it isn't all of it. Patience is being faithful, knowing that the Lord will ALWAYS keep His promises, and not putting our schedule on when He should do it. And our patience will always be tested to its limit. I think it is soo cool.

And now for the sad news. Elder James is going home this Wednesday. I only got to spend 5 weeks with him and I can already say his is an amazing missionary. I know he has been successful on his mission. He is a hard worker and he has made a true difference in my life. I am so grateful for the love that he has for the Lord, the people of Oklahoma, and for me.

I will catch all of y'all next week! SEE YA!
Elder Evans

August 13, 2018

Hey whats up.


So yeah we got transfers. Elder Saldana is now with me and its pretty cool. And by pretty cool I mean he is a STUD! He has only been in the church for 2 years and he's on a mission. He speaks crazy fast spanish and he just knows whats up. We have a stuffed turkey named Linus and we are just doing spanish work like crazy. I am kinda running out of time so I will just tell you what matters.

NO ONE CAME TO CHURCH. I was disappointed, but hey church comes each week.
Elder Saldana and I get along like two peas in a pod, we are always laughing.
No new people this week
I miss elder james
I get to see elder Medel again
I am hungry
literally shaking from hunger
I only have 20$
I bought 10 pounds of chicken
And I am about out of thoughts

Spiritual thought:
Patience is faith regardless of time.

I'm hungry

Elder Evans

August 20, 2018
Ummm..... Stuff happened

Not going to lie I kinda didn't pay attention to the week... I kinda just worked really hard with Elder Saldaña. Let me try to remember......................

FUN STUFF: The OKC 1 Elders had a tire flat on their bikes and so we went and picked them up and then because we didn't have a dinner we went and ate subway with them. It was super fun and we got to talk with the new greenie. It reminded me of where I was a couple months ago. And we also got to hang out with the Zone Leaders for a surprise 2 hour meeting. We were literally told that we needed to be at a meeting 20 minutes before it happened. And so we went and translated for the stake leadership meeting.

Something in the work: We did a TON of finding, and we landing two solid people who are going to start meeting with us. One of them is a single mom who has the baby daddy coming over on occasion... and she is super super " I accepted jesus and now I am saved" so we are going to have a ton of fun with her. And the other one is this super sweet mom who is just trying to raise her kids right.

Spiritual thought: Just put faith in the Lord.

Elder Evans

As you can see, he is still Mitchell. :)


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