
So, as you all know, I just recently had a baby. Babies are wonderful, losing the baby pounds, not so much. To do so I have been hitting the treadmill on a regular basis and attempting to limit the treats. Not so easy as I have just finished a near 2 year gestation. (I am an elephant~yikes!)

Anyway, tonight I hit the treadmill for 35 minutes of walk/run /iPod time. And what do you know, one of my darling kids left a Halloween size bag of M&M's in the cup holder. Eighteen colorful spheres of love. AND I ATE THEM! What the crap was I thinking? As I run I ingest more calories? However, I never met an M&M that I didn't like. I guess tomorrow I'll go for a whole hour on the treadmill.

Oh, well. As Dory would say, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...swim, swim, swiiiim, swiiiim!"


  1. That's awesome! Dang Kids! I like your new wallpaper. I'm glad to see you're gearing up for Christmas too.

  2. Mary you crack me up!!! I feel your pain!!! Tell me the site for your backgrounds. I love them!!! Can't wait to see you!

  3. I use leelou blogs. The Merry Christmas icon is a link to their site.

  4. I love it! What a true post! I always tell myself when I'm downing whatever dessert of the day that those lovely calories are the reason I spend time on the treadmill, to at least keep me even and it always makes me feel better so I can enjoy my treats guiltfree! Give yourself credit for at least eating them on the treadmill instead of on the couch.

  5. You crack me up!! I am actually working today. The one and only shift I got on the whole schedule. The first one in 6 weeks. WOW! Loving the M&M's post! I never met one I didn't like either!

  6. I know what you mean! The m&m's, the longer than normal pregnancy, and the halloween candy! I caught my son hiding candy this year so I asked him what he was doing. He said he was hiding it from the girls because last year they snuck into his candy. I had to admit, that no, it was mom, and I would make sure and ask before I did it this year. Seriously, they get so much I didn't think he would notice. So, now I just sneak into the girls candy when he's not here to ask.

  7. Hilarious! You always make me laugh!

  8. I give you TONS of credit for getting on the treadmill at all!! However, my butt just keeps getting bigger as I sit here typing and eating ice cream!! Thanks for the motivation -- I NEED it!

  9. you are so funny mary.... and, you should eat M&M's while working out.... i think i might try it tomorrow... then i will remember what i am running for...

  10. Brandy, I had to stop stealing my kids candy this year and ASK. It was difficult! We didn't buy any chocolate though, so I've been having withdrawls...thus the M&Ms on the treadmill!


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