Seth: 29.11.21 - Transfers!

 Hello everybody! It is the end of another amazing transfer. Time flies when you are busy! This week was Thanksgiving as well which was a party! We had a lot of good food and a lot of no so good food. But all is well because at least I got to eat like 50 slices of pumpkin pie. Nothing has changed! At home I would gorge myself on pumpkin pie until i almost collapse in a food coma every Thanksgiving, and this year was no different! This past week was pretty busy! We had two last minute exchanges and we had two days of Thanksgiving followed by loads of leftovers. Every year we all forget how tired we are of eating Thanksgiving food. We all end up hating it and by the next year we forget all of the pain eating. We then do it all over again. Its amazing!

Both of our exchanges went amazing. We had lessons with a couple of people who are progressing. Each one of them are duch great people!
We ended this transfer very well. We put ourselves out there and got it done with the lord. I can say that the spirit was with us the while step of the way. We have a busy day ahead for us and we are excited to begin the new transfer. I love yall and see yall next week! 
(sorry for the shorter email this week)


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